At school today, Romeo's mother approached Tracey to tell her how her son had announced he has a girlfriend. No prizes for second guesses - our little miss.
Tracey swapped a few stories and it was all fun and chuckles. It's all very cute when they're four, isn't it?
This same scenario with Miss8 might have played out differently. Well maybe for Tracey. For me, when news of Miss4's boyfriend came my way, naturally I went, as always, straight to the big question.
"What's his earning potential?"
"Bruce! He's a minor," Tracey admonished.
That sounded good to me. "That's okay then. Miners earn decent money."
One down, four girls to go.
My then 4 year old girl got a kiss on the hand by a boy at kindy, just a bit of cute harmless fun. Might not be the case in a few years so lap it up while it's harmless :)!!
Gosh my 5 year old son won't even go near girls....nevermind having a girl friend.
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